Recently, I’ve noticed quite a bit of discussion on Discord channels about different development projects for X-Plane aircraft. It’s a fairly complicated process. Like most things, it’s not that any single thing or concept is difficult, but when one goes to put all the pieces of the puzzle together then the simple moves to the complex. I had an idea for several of us just get together and discuss what we’ve learned, and share that knowledge and help each other learn and understand new concepts. So here we go! On this post I’ll include links to recordings of those discussions in the hopes of helping others that want to learn. If that’s you, I invite you to join the DownwindSim discord channel and participate. Let’s get to the videos!
Part 1 is about aircraft manipulators…
Part 2 discussing gear animation, recorded April 24, 2020 is here…
Part 3 discussing nose gear animation, parenting, bones, empties, recorded April 27, 2020 is here…
Part 4 discussing panel creation, recorded April 28, 2020…
Why this discussions stopped?, It was very usefull and interresting for a beginning developer like me; Will you guys continue this discussions in the future or, it has came to the end?
I am a 75 year old PP with very poor computer skills ie planemaker, blender. I purchased the Carenado C337_Skymaster_v3.2 and the CT210_Centurion_ll_v3.2 back in mid XP11 days. They were built for XP10. I put them in planemaker and saved them to XP11 and XP12. They fly fairly well but you have to lean forward (in both planes) out of the now pilot and copilot objects inorder to see and the tires of both are partially sunk in pavement. I am skeptical about my ability to produce workable up grades. I am just now going to watch your videos. Love to hear your thoughts!
Hi Brian, thanks for the comment. I’ve done an upgrade to the C337 for XP11. It’s been a while since I’ve used it, but I’m sure we can get it going ok in XP12. I currently don’t own the CT210, so I’m a bit unfamiliar with that one. I’d invite you to join my discord server… communications happen a bit faster over there.