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About DWS / Contact

My interest in all things aviation began (as with most) as a child. Planes, trains and automobiles fascinate most young boys and girls, and they certainly captured my attention. If I remember correctly, my parents purchased our first home computer (a Commodore 64) back in the late ’70s, and one of the software packages for that blazingly fast piece of tech was Flight Simulator by a small company from Champaign, Illinois called SubLogic. Somehow, they managed to cram a sim onto a 5 1/4″ floppy disk. I read the printed instruction manual from cover to cover and began to teach myself the finer details of flying. And quickly learned that there’s a lot to learn.

Here I am 35+ years later still learning. I’ve discovered through the years that it’s a great way to pursue a hobby that can easily have large time and financial implications… and the tech has improved just a little (insert grin here) since that first wireframe virtual instrument panel and scenery.

The best way to contact me is through my Discord server. Here’s an invite link.