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Cessna C170B by Alabeo XP12 Update

This is another great visual model published by the Alabeo/Carenado team. The original aircraft (required) is available at or the store.

Here’s a link to the C170B Pilot Operating Handbook and a link to the Type Certificate Data Sheet. Thinking about buying one? Here’s an ad from 1948!

The included “C170 Install Readme.txt” file has important installation and operational instructions.

Updates for the XP12 version by 79-Airtime and ajwebb and myself:

  • Upper dash revisions… CHT adjusted in flight model (fm), airspeed gauge calibrated for use without scripting, altimeter barometer adjusted, hard-to-see compass now a little easier to see, vertical speed gauge calibrated correctly, oil pressure adjusted (fm), vacuum adjusted (fm), carb heat gauge adjusted and responds better, , oil temperature adjusted (fm), amps gauge logic changed (now shows charging and discharging states).
  • Lower dash revisions… Com radio modified to allow .833 hz tuning, volume knobs on com and nav radios now functioning, click the nav volume knob to monitor VOR id, added transponder ident click spot, changed magneto key switch to just operate magnetos. Fuel gauges calibrated for tank size.
  • Numerous flight model revisions in PlaneMaker… 3-D Panel, engine specs, location, prop, starter, systems, electrical system, limits, wings, bodies, control geometry, landing gear, weight & balance… almost every setting has been revised.
  • Lighting revisions… all the lighting systems (interior and exterior) have been updated to XP12 specs, instrument gauge dimming, cabin dome light (ceiling), red panel lights (ceiling), 2-axis movable map light (switch on the forward pilot door post)
  • Tailwheel steering moves with rudder deflection to +-16 degrees, if rudder is fully deflected and brake is applied, the tailwheel will release into castor mode
  • Visual model revisions… pilot shininess reduced, prop spins the correct way (cw), rain effects on windows, manipulators (click spots) simplified, added yoke manipulator, added click spot for static elements (copilot side pocket), added click spot for hide/show fairings (below copilot side pocket)
  • Updated fmod sound package

Here’s a short video walkthrough…