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Streaming’s a thing?

Who knew that this streaming thing would be a “thing?” And what’s it all about anyway?

Well, for me it started as a tech support role for my son… a poor college student. He’s a big gamer, has been all his life. He’s way better than me now at first-person shooters, but that’s not important right now (nor do I really care to admit it). He watches people stream their game play online and started digging around about how much money the big guys make, with ads, sponsorships, e-game tournaments, etc. “Hey Dad, do you think there’s anything here? I mean, I’m playing anyway… why not stream it?,” he says. So we got him started and he’s working on getting himself through school in a fun, creative way.

As for DownwindSim? It’s really the test-bed for him and his endeavors, but in the mean time, I discovered a little community of people streaming stuff I was interested in… aviation and flight simulation. So here we go. Enjoy the streams on Even better yet…(insert shameless plug) follow/subscribe to my son’s channel on Search for iRemixedi or just click here. He would appreciate it. And so would my wallet! 🙂

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