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Bush League Backcountry Fly-In Series 57

Hey, hey hey… hooligans! Prepare the float planes and get ready to head to the backwoods and lakes of Ontario. This month’s fly-in is inspired by a real-life story from a friend of mine. His family has been taking fishing trips since he was a child, way up in the north country. After he shared some pictures and told me of the trip just to GET to the fishing lodge, I thought it might be fun to simulate the flights into these remote fishing cabins. Feel free to visit for more details.

Bush League Basics:

  1. Everyone is welcomed! Whether you’re an expert or beginner with flying simulators, radio communications, or navigation, etc., you’re invited! We’re a friendly bunch and enjoy learning from each other.
  2. All of the scenery elements and recommended aircraft are based on X-Plane 12 or MSFS 2020.
  3. You can fly whatever aircraft you’d like, however, you might want to try something with floats for this adventure.
  4. Most of the pilots enjoy navigating via pilotage, i.e. “looking out the window” and comparing it to the sectional chart, so please refer to the Uncle Melvin Map, or the Canadian sectionals found at
  5. We encourage you to join the VATSIM network and use the CTAF frequency of 122.8 to announce positions. If an airport/airstrip has a CTAF frequency listed on the sectional, please use that.
  6. We’ll also use the Downwindsim Discord voice channel for the pre-event briefing and during the flight for non-ATC related chit-chat.
  7. As always, the main goal of these flights is to have fun. The event is intended to be VFR, so you are free to configure your weather and time of day as you see fit.

Flight Information:

The event takes place on Monday, July 1st at 8:00pm EDT or 0000z (July 2). There will be no preflight briefing. Plan on departing from Peterson’s Landing (57PL), just north of Kenora, or there is a paved airport just east of the town of Kenora (not included in the scenery). Plan your flight from Peterson’s Landing to Caribou Falls. If you launch from Peterson’s Landing, move out of the dock parking to make room for others. Be sure to look around at the seaplane bases (there are a total of 4 seaplane bases to visit). Some of the regular hooligans will be in the DownwindSim Discord Voice channel in case there are any questions.

X-Plane 12 Scenery Installation:
* Custom Bush League seaplane bases for X-Plane 12 are available at this link: 2024-07 BL57 Ontario Fishing XP12 Scenery.
* Pre-cooked Ortho tiles are also needed for X-Plane 12: and
* X-World scenery (free) and Global Forests v2 ($15) are highly recommended additions for the XP12 world. The custom scenery files above have been designed with these addons in mind.
DIRECTIONS: Unzip all files and place them in your “Custom Scenery” folder.

*NEW* MSFS 2020 Scenery Installation:
* Customized MSFS seaplane bases from DWS are available here: 2024-07 BL Ontario Fishing MSFS (These are the same airports listed in the XP12 section above)
These seaplane bases also REQUIRE the Seaplane Asset Library, available here from
DIRECTIONS: Unzip all files and place them in your “Community” folder.

Uncle Melvin’s Map
There is a map, but you’ll have to find it in the scenery. Good luck.

If you get stuck or have a question, drop a message on the DownwindSim Discord bush-flying text channel. We thank you for your understanding and look forward to seeing you on Monday.

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